Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Beach Bum


2018 was a phenomenal year for film. No, we're not talking about all of these lackluster movies that won a bunch of Oscars, it was a year where I was in the theatre almost every week for some sort of anniversary event, animation or indie film. Yes, I did see mainstream movies (e.g. A Star is Born Bohemian Rhapsody) due to genuine interest, but I never considered any of them to be award-winning.

So far this year, I've only seen one of my favorite movies EVER, Dirty Dancing which is a blog for another day. Dude. I've been so antsy to see something new and took my boyfriend out to see The Beach Bum.

The Appeal

Based upon the films I discussed, why would I choose The Beach Bum of all things? The names in the movie sparked my attention. You wouldn't peg me as the type of person to go watch a stoner movie, but I find filthy funny films to be some of my favorite comedies. I'm first to go watch anything by Apatow Productions, Point Grey Pictures and similar producers.

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I've been wanting a functioning typewriter for a few years now... so envious of Moondog.

The Beach Bum is about a poet named Moondog who casually spends his days in the Florida Keys. During this bout of debauchery, his wife Minnie asks him to return home for their daughter's wedding. He drives a dinky motorboat their home "up north", docking it at their mansion in Miami.

After the wedding, Moondog and Minnie spend some time catching up between their other lovers and flings. However they end up in an accident resulting in Minnie's sudden death. In Minnie's will, she splits the estate and her money between Moondog and their daughter. It does come with a stipulation: Moondog needs to finish his next novel in order to obtain his share. This is her way to force her brilliant, not-so-brilliant husband to reach his artistic potential.


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Zac Effron epitomizing
the concept of being "extra".
The story feels very seamless and doesn't need any hard transitions to tell Moondog's story. Much like the person he is, the acts don't feel segmented and goes with the flow. There doesn't have to be a straightforward reason as to what he does next.

Something I always notice in movies is costume design. Moondog's attire is on point. As a true beach bum, he's half-naked and brightly patterned. From the homeless, wealthy or rehabilitated junkies, they each have a special spark in their outfits which shouts their personalities and lifestyles.

The soundtrack consists of an array of r&b tracks. Snoop Dog plays a singer/rapper with a penchant for Jamaican weed (is he really playing a character??) and Jimmy Buffett makes a fitting cameo appearance. The original score is very light, conveying Moondog's true inner workings. Even though he's caught in a spiral of legal trouble, the music is lifting and made me almost forget about Moondog's problems.

A Mini Vaca

I think The Beach Bum is the movie I need right now. Recently I've been the most busy in my life and I've been overdue for an actual vacation for over a year now. With little time for myself, just sitting in a theatre for two hours for me was an excellent idea.

I don't necessarily want to live like Moondog in the sense he's running a constant high and living homeless on the beach, but I want quiet time. The Beach Bum reminds me of Henry David Thoreau and Walden Pond. My heart desires time to run away from society and work on my art for a designated time and invest in myself. Often I find myself daydreaming at my job as I pretend to live someplace remote.

Enjoying Florida

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My boyfriend took me to St. Petersburg
for a date day a couple months ago
and my roommate and I went to Disney for a single day.
I've otherwise had zero Florida exposure.
One of my greatest internal conflicts is not enjoying my time in Florida for what it is. I've barely traveled the state and seek adventure. I haven't had a chance to explore Tampa, Orlando or Miami. I would love to visit the Keys. Hell, I have never gone to any of the local beaches. The only time I've visited the beaches is after a long day of work, dipping my toes into the sand and stargazing shortly before the beach closes. It sucks because I'm trapped at work and also so pale that I'm inclined to avoid the sun no matter my geographical location.

The Beach Bum is fun and served the purpose of allowing me to live a two hour vacation. The movie was practically filmed in my back yard, but it was still an escape. I don't think everyone will enjoy it, but Matthew McConaughey plays a most excellent eccentric bum. I would suggest catching the movie if you need something both silly and chill to help mellow your stressful day.


Loverly Liz