Thursday, May 9, 2019

Sending My Love to Atelier Heidi

Hello friends & fellow nerds,

Normally this blog is reserved for good old fashioned geeky fun, but I wanted to share a few thoughts on the latest drama from my internet social circles. No, as much as I would like to giggle about Ethan Klein and Trisha Paytas throwing each other major shade, I would like to address a situation in the video gaming and cosplay world.

I don’t think it is normal for one of my dearest friends to message me first thing in the morning, “Did you see the ProJared news?”

My response was something along the lines of “uuuuhhhh, I’m running behind and need to drive to work.” Little did I know I would find myself impassioned enough to write about ProJared cheating on his wife, Atelier Heidi, after I’ve returned home.

Although I’m nowhere close to being involved in the situation, I feel a lot of personal attachment to both of these figures. My friends and I have followed Jared Knabenbauer and even met him on multiple occasions over the past 10 years. We've known him since his humble days working with ScrewAttack and managing now what seems to feel like an ancient relic, the GameAttack store.

I would be a big fat liar if I said I didn't have a crush on Jared in high school. I spent countless hours following his old account and teasing him on social media. When he made his relationship with Heidi public… oof— I was so jealous that some hot babe swooped in on an unattainable internet crush!

However my trauma was quickly mitigated when I discovered how amazing Heidi is. Having deep interests in both video gaming AND cosplay, I fangirled over Jared for a period and developed an even greater love for Heidi. Over time, I felt Jared became too cocky and I’ve been invested in Heidi’s projects, graced by her presence at conventions I've attended.

A thought occurred to me a few months ago as Heidi discussed her depression and art slump on Twitter. Noticing this thread, I’ve asked my peers, “Why can’t people who have everything just be happy?” in reference to Heidi’s tweets. Under the belief that she has EVERYTHING (which to me includes but is not limited to: an awesome portfolio, growing talents, a lovely home, financial security while pursuing an art career and a super cool husband), my impressions were wrong because she spent the last year silently suffering an awful relationship.

No matter who you adore, remember they’re people with problems too. Reading more into Heidi’s situation, Jared was controlling and iced her out with no explanation. I’m unsurprised that he had an affair with Holly Conrad, which is disappointing considering they were all great friends at one point.

Tldr; I’m furious. Jared disrespected someone who deserves no better than the best. There’s zero chance that Heidi would read this herself, but I want her to know that I’m rooting for her. I’m glad she’s done with Jared who externalized his own problems by hurting his wife. I just don’t understand why someone with so much “e-fame” continued to solicit unsavory attention from fans when he had such an awesome partner. Hopefully he can sort out his issues, not hurting himself or any others.

Heidi O’Ferrall is someone worth admiring. Continue to kick ass. I wish you the best as you pick your feet back up. Sending all my love,

Loverly Liz